The Handbook of Economics learn the study of scarcity and how it affects the use of resources, the production of goods and services, the growth of production and well-being over time, and many other important and complicated issues that affect society.Table of Content1. Principles of Economics2. The Market System3. Introducing Supply and Demand4. Economic Surplus5. Consumer Choice and Utility6. Elasticity and its Implications7. Market Failure. Externalities8. Market Failure. Public Goods and Common Resources9. Production10. Competitive Markets11. Monopoly12. Monopolistic Competition13. Oligopoly14. Inputs to Production. Labor, Natural Resources, and Technology15. Challenges to Efficient Outcomes15. Challenges to Efficient Outcomes16. Taxes and Public Finance17. Income Inequality and Poverty18. Introduction to Macroeconomics19. Measuring Output and Income20. Economic Growth21. Inflation22. Unemployment23. Inflation and Unemployment24. Aggregate Demand and Supply25. Major Macroeconomic Theories26. Fiscal Policy27. The Monetary System28. Monetary Policy29. The Financial System30. Current Topics in Macroeconomics31. International Trade31. International Trade32. Open Economy Macroeconomics33. Economic Crises34. Interest and Profit35. Health Care Economics36. Natural Resource Economics37. Agriculture Economics38. Immigration EconomicsEconomics is the study of how things are made, moved around, and used. It looks at how people, businesses, governments, and countries choose to use their resources. Economics is the study of how people act, based on the idea that people act rationally and try to get the most value or benefit.Credits :Readium Project is a true open-source project, permissively licensed under the 3-part BSD license.